NZ Cheese Awards

NZ Cheese Awards

Congratulations to the finalists and winners of the recent NZ Cheese Awards.

It’s hugely encouraging to see the growing range of styles being made in Aotearoa, and it’s clear that the quality and originality are globally competitive.

One of our founders is Mark Dykes who is a microbiologist with a long history in the dairy processing industry.
His other company Thermaflow sponsors the washed rind category, and it was no surprise to see Galactic Gold by Over The Moon win (Mark isn’t involved in judging). It’s a mind-blowing cheese that we featured in our 2019 Cheese Wheel Christmas box, maybe it’s time to include it again…

The Awards are also a nice reminder of how many of our local cheese makers are small or micro businesses, and only survive because people like you recognise the value of artisan foods.

More in this Stuff article here .

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