Take a peek into our previous cheese boxes.
Our cheese selections constantly evolve.
We are always searching for new cheese and meeting new cheese makers.
Get a new cheese experience every month!
One of the joys of curating our boxes is being able to connect with cheesemakers across ...
Welcome to our new Cheese Wheelers! Lots of thoughtful kind families and friends...
Welcome to The Cheese Wheel and our movement to bring better NZ cheese to the...
Have a Merry Christmas & support NZ cheese makers. A huge Merry Christmas from...
We’re also excited because orders are open for our limited edition Christmas Cheese...
It‘s NZ Cheese Month! Well, here we are in NZ Cheese Month. It’s in October...
Spring is here with the promise of rebirth, so what better time to celebrate our kaumatua...
Gee we love finding new cheesemakers. Mangawahi is near Wellsford in Northland ...
You may have seen the winners of the NZ Cheese Awards announced recently ...
You may have seen the winners of the NZ Cheese Awards announced recently ...
You may have seen the winners of the NZ Cheese Awards announced recently ...
4 Cheeses, 3 Countries, 2 Regions, 1 Mammal. You’re in for a treat this month with...
There are several buffalo farms in New Zealand, but only tiny volumes of cheese ...
Welcome to Belle Chevre! It’s always a joy to welcome new cheesemakers to The ...
Welcome to Zany Zeus! Subscribing to The Cheese Wheel means...
Welcome to the wonderful world of NZ artisan cheese! Someone really cares about...
Welcome back Cilantro! Originally established by Monica Senna Salerno...
Ask our cheese experts. Do you have a cheese question? About your favourite cheese...
A sad loss. You’ll recall the wonderful Cartwheel Creamery cheese you’ve experienced...
The NZ Herald recently published an article written by one of our founders, Kevin...
Some artisan cheesemakers in NZ are not known outside of their immediate region...
Huge congratulations to all the winners at the 2023 NZ Champions of Cheese Awards.
NZ artisan cheeses at their best! This month we welcome Clevedon Buffalo Cheese!
Another stunning selection of 4 New Zealand gourmet cheeses for you or as a gift! Every NZ...
Juliet Harbutt is the global doyen of cheese, international cheese judge and a Kiwi. Nancy, one...
The sad news is that Grinning Gecko have reluctantly decided it’s just too much...
Yay! We start 2023 by introducing you to another artisan cheesemaker! You can read...
You’ll find 30+ cheesemakers profiled on our website, and in your cheese boxes over...
MERRY CHEESEMAS! All of us at The Cheese Wheel – Nancy, Mark, Jo, Sarah and Kevin...
Welcome to Kervella Cheese! We absolutely love forming partnerships with cheesemakers...
Introducing Boom Town Gold! A one-off unique cheese made just for Cheese Wheelers...
Welcome to Mahoe! This month we are proud to feature a very old Edam from Mahoe...
Congratulations to all the winners and actually to all cheesemakers who entered the recent...
Cheese and Beer? We’ve talked before about how the artisan cheese and craft beer...
Call us cheese nerds, but we get excited when we discover new curds or when top cheesemakers...
Washing cheeses discourages unwanted moulds, and of course also imparts another flavour...
This month we revisit four of our most popular cheeses (although to be fair we feature...
Some Cheese Wheelers leave a chilly bag or bin by their door for their cheese box. It’s a great...
We love a vintage gouda – actually we love an aged gouda very much – but there is...
Well, an old history anyway. Did you know the first cheese was made in Aotearoa in...
From all of us here at The Cheese Wheel to you and yours – have a very Merry Christmas!
Well, summer is here, and we thought we’d celebrate with some NZ artisan cheese classics. It’s a...
It’s always a thrill to welcome a cheesemaker to our community of cheese lovers. You can read...
Cheese Wheelers who were part of our community last year will recall us sharing how some cheese...
This month we welcome Taiba Cheese to The Cheese Wheel community. Quadri and Sahar are...
The cows came home. Well, four of them anyway. Many sheep and goats dry off over winter, but that's...
French-Kiwi Frédéric Han has joined The Cheese Wheel, bringing deep industry knowledge...
Our first food show! Hopefully you got a chance to come and visit us at the Wellington Food Show...
Quite a few cheeses are not available over much of autumn and winter. Goats dry off for example...
Want more of your favourite cheese? Just email us if one of the portions just isn’t enough ....
Early autumn in Aotearoa brings some of our best weather, and with it lots of opportunities...
There have been some stonkingly hot days around Aotearoa in the New Year. We've featured...
HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2020 was tough for a lot of us in New Zealand, and that was certainly...
Merry Christmas, meri Kirihimete, manuia le Kirisimasi, Joyeux Noel, Buon...
How to best care for your cheese once delivered? We take great care to pack it in wood wool...
Our cheese and beer matching Wellington On Plate events were a huge success. 82 people...
We've just sketched out our boxes for the next 6 months, although we keep flexible to account for issues...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! It is a year since we delivered our first boxes of wonderful NZ artisan cheese...
Is this box the ne plus ultra selection of artisan cheese made in Aotearoa? It can’t be...
CHEESE BOX 11 Winter. The wind and rain are here, and the snow too. It’s time to wrap...
CHEESE BOX 10 What do you call two sheep, a goat and a cow? The providers of the...
Cheese Box 9 A huge thanks to you as a member of The Cheese Wheel movement! Whether you’ve...
We at The Cheese Wheel wish you well in this uncertain time of Covid-19 and lockdown...
In our last few boxes we’ve featured cheeses made from the milk of lots of different animals and...
Our small team of cheese fanatics have had a lot of fun selecting the cheeses for you for this...
We hope you enjoyed your cheese over the holiday period, and also a big cheese welcome to our...
Happy holiday season and thank you for your support! This is huge to us and the Aotearoa cheese makers....
CHEESE BOX 3 Wine and beer matches… At The Cheese Wheel we spend a lot of time exploring wine and...
It’s a North Island selection this month. We range from one of NZ’s oldest artisan cheesemakers (Meyer) to...
Welcome to the very first Cheese box curated for you by The Cheese Wheel.