A song about Les Fromages We love a good french cheese – when in France! A song about cheese. Only French people can do this, we love it! Youtube link here.
+ All you can eat cheese!!! admin, May 5, 2021September 15, 2023, Cheese News, 0 We have teamed up with our friends at Fortune Favours to bring you a gourmet experience event like no...
+ Churn and cheese: Three reasons admin, July 21, 2023September 10, 2023, Cheese News, 0 Churn and cheese: three reasons why you need to buy cheese from NZ’s small cheesemakers...
+ Is NZ cheese the next craft beer? admin, January 27, 2019September 24, 2023, Cheese News, 0 Kevin, one of the 3 founders of the Cheese Wheel, has a column in the NZ Herald, and one...
+ A life championing cheese admin, March 29, 2023September 10, 2023, Cheese News, 0 Not so long ago, we received a lovely e-mail from the world renowned cheese master...
+ Cheese makers rename feta? admin, February 14, 2021September 16, 2023, Cheese News, 0 The EU wants to stop Kiwi cheesemakers from using names like feta and gorgonzola, so we need...
+ Cheese and Beer pairing admin, October 29, 2021September 15, 2023, Cheese News, 0 Pairing beer with cheese, a marriage made in heaven. Read Geoff Griggs' article about ...
+ On-line Cheese experience admin, March 22, 2023September 20, 2023, Cheese News, 0 Join us in October for another fun and informative On-line Cheese Experience...
+ Kia ora Cheese Lovers admin, November 1, 2023November 1, 2023, Cheese News, 0 As one of The Cheese Wheel founders, it brings me joy to share with you the outstanding cheeses...