Drunken Nanny

NZ Goat Cheese
Drunken Nanny NZ Cheese

Amanda and Lindsey Goodman started making fabulous cheese from their initial herd of 25 does.

They have kept expanding as demand continues to rise for beautiful cheeses. A visit to their farm 16km south of Martinborough in the Wairarapa reveals an idyllic scene with their truly beautiful and gentle milking goats dotted over a gently rising and lush green home paddock.

The variety of pasture and herbs (and some seaweed!) they get to enjoy and the great care with which they are treated is revealed in the delicate flavours of their cheeses, which change as the seasons pass. And what cheeses! The Drunken Nanny has really expanded the range of artisan cheese made in Aotearoa with their range of soft and fresh goat cheeses.

It’s no surprise they have won lots of awards. Their imagination is evident in how they present their cheeses too. A perfect example is the pyramid shape they package their amazing Black Tie delicate soft cheese in, which is coated in black grapevine ash and then wrapped in a very distinctive black cheese paper.

The Drunken Nanny‘s story started with some (super cute) pet goats, followed by a determination to learn how to make great cheese by hand – including completing a commercial cheesemaking course – whilst meeting all the industry requirements. Fast forward, and a substantial herd of goats now follow Lindsey to the milking shed and patiently wait their turn on the milking stand. By the way, every one of their goats is named and recognisable, and they always troop to milking in the same order, how very cool is that?  The milk is then magically transformed into cheese in the cheese room right next door the same day. This is the epitome of artisan craftsmanship, and we are confident they will continue to surprise with exciting new cheeses.

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